Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Topic 6: Attendance and Timeliness

Task 2:
Time Log.
1. My mom wake's me up
2. I get in the shower
3. Get dressed
4. Eat.
5. Brush my teeth
6 Get in the car and leave for school

Task 3:
I: Discuss a variety of ways you can implement time management into your daily life.
The way that I can implement time management into my life is by being somewhere on time and not being late and also getting up on time for something. I just should have more time management so I can have a successful future at a job. Being late and waking up late is not good. You have to have all that figured out before you can really get a job. Late to work is a bad thing you can get fired for that. Waking up late really isn't a good excuse when you are working or even going to school. The way that I can improve that is by doing everything the day before. Just by getting clothes out the night before and sitting an alarm clock so I can wake up on time. I really need to improve on that. I should just be more organized. If I would put that into my life then I would have good time management. Which now I know that I really do need to have good time management.

II. What would you do if you became overwhelmed with obligations?
School and work is an important obligation. Being obligated is really the person problem. Yes you can have too many of them that just means you need to cut back on some of them. Just the important ones should come first. You shouldn't really be obligated to someone that you can't beep a promise to because that will make them mad at you. So just don't make to many obligations that you can't handle at a time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Topic 10 Communication Skills

Task 1:
Written communication
Email, Written on a piece of paper, Texting.

Verbal communication
Speaking to someone, Talking on the phone,

Non-verbal communication
Using your hands, Eyecontact, Clothing.

Task 2

Do you think you have good communication skills?
I think that I have good communication skills. I communicate good with everyone. I have have to have good communication skills to get a good job and to get through life. With out the communication there really isn't a point to try to get a job because you have to have good communication skills to get the job your appling for.

Do you think you communicate effectively and efficiently with everyone you encounter?
Yes I think i have effectively and efficiently with everyone. When I do that it makes them understand what Im saying and its just a better way to communicate then to be negative when I communicate with people. The people I encounter are the people that are important to me and they are the people that I work around.

Do you communicate differently with different groups/kinds of people? If so, why?

Yes I communicate differently with different people I hang out with. I just communicate the way they do. I can get very loud when I communicate with different people. So its very hard to communicate the way i usually do when i at school or at a work place.

Do you see ways you could improve your communication skills?

Yes I can improve my communication skills. I can communicate in the wrong way sometimes. When having a fight with a parent I don't communicate very well. I need to communicate better with them so I can understand what they want me to do and what I should be doing. Communication is very good to have with people and I need to improve my communication skills with parents and friends.

My experience at my work place is really good. I love it there I get to help out the the animals. I also get to watch them do the surgery. I get to carry the animals back to there cages but some of them i dont touch because they are wild animals. I just love being around all the animals and being there just makes me want to work with animals wheni get out for high school.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Topic 9: Attitudes

Task 2

Pargraph 1 Do you normally react positively or negatively to the situations in your life?

I usually act negative to the situations in my life. Thats just how I've always been. Acting negative to the situation should not be the way anyone acts. Even if the situation is a bad one you really shouldn't act negative to it. You should always positive to the whole situation. Thats what i should do is think positive to the situations. Being negative does not make a difference, acting positve can make a difference.

Pargragh 2 Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks?

I can show improvment with my attitude at school or the work place. The attitude that I have can be a good and can be a bad one. So if I improve that then i can get through school or work with out thinking negative. The way to go is to have a good attitude on the situation. Me acting negative to the situation will not prove anything. So I need to improve my attiude so much to get through my life.

Pargraph 3 How the attitudes of others in your life have influenced you.

The attitude of other is a big infuence on me. I start to act the way they do. I should have my own attitdue oon the situation. The way they act is their own attitude. Not just acting like them is bad. But being around them all the time can make you think negative like they do. So you should e your own person not what other people want you to be. I need my own attitude on the stuff not others peoples.