Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Topic 11 Cell Phone Etiquette.

Task 1:
They said that i have good cell phone manners and that i should pass them on to friends and family.

Task 2:
While talking and driving is bad you can get in a accident while talking and driving.
Even out in public is bad talking or texting is not good. You avoid the people that you are with and that you shouldn't be doing that.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Topic 1 7 Habits of Successful PLC Students

Task 1
I would need to be at school to get everything i need in life. I use to not go to school much. But now i see how important it is to be here at school. And I would also have to develop more study skills. I dont study much. But i need to so i can get out of hight school and go on with life. Life will be better when i get evrything straight with weverything. i need to sett high expectations for myself. I have to learn form the mistake i have did. and i dont want to make anymore. i just want to saty in school and do good. I also need to put myself in a group of people that are will to be in school and that i get along with. I have many friends and i love them. I also need to stop being so shy and learn how to ask for help and just not try to do it on my own. I will get alot done if i ask for help.

Task 2
I would also need to learn how to pay attenion in class and not play with the cell phone. I have a bad problem with playing with my phone and i need to stop that. the cell isnt more important then class. So i have a lot of work to do.